sábado. 27.07.2024

What is the motivation behind Los Hijos del Mar? Are you trying to target the youngest generations?

The whole thing for us is education and prevention as well as providing part of the solution to ocean plastics. So for the Education side of things we realized that its the kids who will really be open to change. So we got our friends children to participate with us on making this short film. If these kids start to learn about being more responsible with consuming less, recycling and even the simple act of picking up street or beach rubbish then they will also be pushing their parents and others also. Plus they are the next generation. Plus its really nice to get their perspective on the situation. Seabin Project will be including a future program to have the schools and sports clubs involved with the Seabins. Also a research and data program to track what we are catching, how much and where it is in the world.

What impact are you expecting after releasing the film?

The impact from this short film will be huge i think. There is a culture of just walking past a piece of rubbish on the street and thinking how ugly it is, but not stopping to pick it up. We have all done it… We hope with this video, people will start to think about picking up that piece of rubbish on the street or beach. If the kids can do it, then why can’t we the adults do it also?






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